Environmental Engineering Services

Milani & Associates has experience with due diligence requirements and knowledge of federal, state and local regulations to help our clients manage specific environmental conditions that may be encountered on project sites.​ We know your job of managing environmental challenges is more demanding than ever.  Meeting the technical and regulatory demands of a project and your business requires an environmental consulting firm that will match experience and knowledge with connections and communications.

Two workers in orange safety vests operate a drilling rig in a grassy area surrounded by trees.

Environmental Design and Planning

  • Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments w/Phase III Feasibility and Remedial Design for property acquisition and management
  • HAZMAT renovation and demolition survey reports to inspect for asbestos, lead, poly-chlorinated bi-phenyls and other regulated materials for new construction
  • Asbestos and lead compliance plans for construction projects scheduled to impact asbestos and lead-containing materials
  • Lead risk assessment (HUD) for public and private sites with existing or potential issues with lead-based paint or elevated lead in drinking water
  • Site, soil, and groundwater assessment reports for environmental impact plans, testing for heavy metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, pesticides, and volatile organics
  • Environmental, health and safety plans for employers to comply with local, state, and federal health and safety regulations
  • Hazardous Materials Business Plans (HMBP) for employers to comply with local CUPA (Certified Unified Program Agencies) requirements to report handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous materials  
  • Decommissioning of facilities to assist with closing businesses regulated under CUPA and other local enforcement agencies, detailing chemical and electrical lock out/ tag out procedures with contractor coordination 

Environmental Field Service

  • Asbestos and lead-based paint abatement monitoring and “Clearance” services
  • Indoor and outdoor ambient air quality testing for radon, mold, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, methane, oxygen, VOCs, and other air pollutants
  • Construction safety monitoring to comply with OSHA and project specific safety protocols regarding personal protective equipment, heavy machinery, confined space, trench excavation, fall protection
  • Water intrusion and mold assessments after rain and pipe leaks
  • Sampling water for residual chlorine, lead, and other pollutants to assess leaching of contaminants in potable water
  • Sampling soils and subsurface conditions for various contaminants to collect data for property management or assist during construction-related work practices.
  •  Sampling and monitoring of Naturally Occurring Asbestos (NOA) for excavation projects located within a site known to contain serpentine formations or imported fill
  • Percolation testing for septic system design
  • Dust, particulate monitoring, and exposure assessments to protect the working and public environment
  • Respirator fit testing (Qualitative only) for employers required to wear any respirator during contract work
  • Non-hazardous and hazardous waste characterization to assist clients with waste management and disposal procedures to comply with the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) and landfill acceptance criteria

Our environmental group of experienced and certified personnel consists of professional civil engineers with specialties in soil and geoscience, air quality, waste management, asbestos consultants and inspectors, lead paint inspector/assessors, project designers, sampling technicians, staff trained with HAZWOPER (Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response) and OSHA 30-hr construction safety courses.
The environmental group consistently coordinates with clients, design members and site workers to meet and exceed project expectations, communicating and meeting with all parties related to the project from property owners, land developers, general contractors, sub-contractors with specialties in hazardous materials remediation, abatement, drilling, utility locating, and excavation, to local and state regulatory agency representatives from local air districts, fire departments, public health, and waste management.
Whether it be for environmental site assessments for property management, creation of site specific health and safety compliance plans, pre-demolition hazardous material design with architects to facilitate a construction of a new development, on-site monitoring during the abatement of asbestos, lead and other regulated materials, working with remediation contractors to employ safe and efficient work practices, and coordinating with enforcement agencies to ensure the work has been completed to meet contractual and regulatory criteria, Milani and Associates environmental staff strives to support the client’s needs in all aspects of a project until safe and successful completion.      

Milani & Associates